Baptisms & Weddings
We are very happy to baptise children at Holy Trinity, which can take place on most Sundays at 12pm except during the seasons of Advent and Lent.
We are very happy for you to be married at Holy Trinity, which normally can take place on most days between the hours of 11.00 am and 1.00 pm. Please note we are an open liberal, inclusive church, happy to perform blessings for gay couples and will conduct gay marriages, when the Church of England finally allows us to exercise our conscience to do so!
Please meet with us after our Sunday 9.30 am service to determine the exact date and time.
We are required to comply with legislation, which means that you must live in our parish. You can find out by typing in your post code here: https://www.churchofengland.org/resources/church-near-you with the result Dartford: Holy Trinity.
You can qualify for baptism or a wedding if you have regularly worshipped with us for six months, or have a past family historical connection with us.
Please note that godparents must themselves be baptised, but for parents this is not necessary.
We look forward to meeting you one Sunday.
Before making an enquiry, please read the relevant information on the fees and application available for download as follows:
For Baptisms, click here.
For Weddings, click here.
For further enquiries about Baptisms, Weddings, Confirmation, and Funerals at Holy Trinity, please use the contact form below: