Giving Time and Talents
Giving to the church does not just mean monetary giving, but volunteering to enrich the community.
We are looking for people who are interested in helping with the following:
The Readers and Prayer rota: Congregation members are able to lead our worship by reading the first lesson or prayers at our Sunday service.
Baptism and Weddings: These events require forms to be completed, certificates to be given out, and banns to be read. We don't have many in the year so you won't be overwhelmed and you don't have to turn up to the services. It is valuable behind-the-scenes work carried out in your own time.
Refreshment Volunteers: If you can spare some time after the Sunday service to help with refreshments, you will join a small but friendly team.
Fabric Committee Volunteers: Do you have building skills and/or knowledge and could help us to maintain the fabric of Holy Trinity? We currently have a small team who work hard ensuring the building is safe for us to worship.
If interested in any of the above, please contact Gloria at g.dillonwhite@btinternet.com.
Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
Isaiah 6:8