When worshipping with us for the first time, the service will appear strange, but the strangeness is deliberate. It is there to awaken our perception of God’s presence.
You don’t have to follow the words in the service but allow the experience to soak in and awaken a part of you that may have been hidden for a long time.
In Intercessory Prayer it was Marianne Williamson who said:
"The mind is its own kind of dance floor. What this generation could do from our rocking chairs could literally rock the world. If in fact the highest, most creative work is the work of consciousness, then in slowing down we're not doing less; we're doing more. Having slowed down physically, we're in a better space to rev up psychically. We are becoming contemplative. We are shifting from the outer to the inner, not in order to begin our demise, but to reseed and regreen the consciousness of the planet. And that's what is happening now: We're going slower in order to go deeper, in order to go faster in the direction of urgently needed change."
Do remember that there is not an expectation or obligation to attend every week. Many of our congregation vary their attendance to suit their busy working / family life.

Sung Eucharist
09:30 every Sunday
This is the principal weekly service at Holy Trinity, which includes the receiving of Holy Communion.
During term-time the choir sing parts of the Eucharist with hymns and congregational responses.
There is a children's area towards the back of the church and many families and young people join us for these services.
A comprehensive service sheet is produced for every 09:30 Eucharist and LARGE PRINT is available on request.

Other weekly services
Alongside the 9:30 Sung Eucharist, there are other regular services of worship at the church. You are most welcome to join us.
09:30 am Morning Prayer