How to Donate

Parish Giving Scheme (PGS)
The Parish Giving scheme is a national scheme that helps us best manage regular donations. The church benefits from the scheme as it provides a regular, tax-free source of income which has to capacity to increase with the cost of living, yet involves virtually no administration. You will benefit from a system that is secure, confidential and easy to use, while supporting our church today and for the future.
Watch this video to find out how it works.
Features of the scheme in short:
Gift aid is reclaimed by the PGS team and paid promptly to Holy Trinity
Direct debits can be set up on a monthly basis
Donors can allow donations to increase in line with CPI inflation annually (done with donor consent)
All donations can be completely anonymous
It is easy to change donation levels if circumstances change
Sign up to the Parish Giving Scheme by downloading and submitting this Gift Form.
For help or enquiries contact the Parish Giving Scheme Team at info@parishgiving.co.uk or 0333 002 1260.
One-off Donation — Card Reader
You can now donate money using your credit/debit card with our card reader in the church. Simply choose the amount you wish to donate on the large screen and tap your card on the smaller screen. It really is easy!
The card reader can be found at the west door (main entrance), near the front.