What's on
​We have now moved into the season of Lent, the period of observance and preparation for the celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus at Easter.
From its start on Ash Wednesday until its conclusion on Easter Eve, Lent has been a traditional time for fasting, giving something up or abstinence. Just as we prepare for events in our own lives, the season of Lent invites us to make our minds and hearts ready for remembering Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.
Our main Lenten services are highlighted below.
What have I missed?
If you missed any of our Epiphany services and want to look back, they are still available to view:
Sunday before Lent (Presentation of Christ at the Temple): watch here
Third Sunday before Lent: watch here
Epiphany IV (Candlemas): watch here
Epiphany Journey: watch here
Choral Midnight Mass: watch here
Festival of Carols: watch here
Upcoming Services
Ash Wednesday: Service of Ashes – 10:00am Wednesday 5th March
Mothering Sunday – 09:30am, Sunday 30th March
Passion Sunday – 09:30am, Sunday 6th April
Palm Sunday – 09:30am, Sunday 13th April
Maundy Thursday – 09:30, Thursday 17th April
Good Friday: Choral Communion – 2.00pm, Friday 18th April
Easter Day Festival Eucharist – 09:30am, Sunday 20 April
Please join us if you can